Welding Simulation
Course Outline
"Term Deliverables" are what assessments you are going to undergo during the whole semester"
Term 1, 2013/2014 Deliverables.
Weekly Learning Schedules
Week 1 (8th - 12th Sep, 2013)
Week 8 (27th Oct - 31th Oct, 2013)
Week 9 (3rd Nov - 7th Nov, 2013)
Week 10 (10Nov-14Nov2013)
Week 11 (17Nov-21Nov2013)
Week 9 (3rd Nov - 7th Nov, 2013)
Week 10 (10Nov-14Nov2013)
Week 11 (17Nov-21Nov2013)
Portfolio task 1.2, 1.3
Lesson 3,4
Portfolio task 1.4
Portfolio task 1.4a
Portfolio task 1.4b
Portfolio task 1.4c
Portfolio task 1.4d
Portfolio task 1.4e